Sheikh Zakzaky to be released on bail

Sheikh Zakzaky to be released on bail
AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The Kaduna State High Court in Nigeria issued a ruling for Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky's release.
The Kaduna State High Court in Nigeria had fixed Monday for ruling on the bail applications for the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky and his wife to travel to India for medical treatment.
The sentence was announced in court by the judge in the presence of Sheikh Zakzaky's lawyer and some of his relatives.
The leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria has been held in detention since December 2015, when the army killed hundreds of his followers at his compound and a nearby mosque and burial ground in northern Kaduna state.
While in 2016 Nigeria's federal high court ordered his unconditional release from jail following a trial, but the Nigerian government has so far refused to set him free.

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