The Largest Tablecloth to be spread in Imam Reza’s Holy Shrine

Assistant of Sacred Premises and Pilgrims Affairs of Astan Quds Razavi said, “The largest tablecloth of the world as large as three kilometers will be spread in the Razavi Holy Shrine in the Iftar ceremony under the Razavi Ikram (generosity) plan.”

Assistant of Sacred Premises and Pilgrims Affairs of Astan Quds Razavi said, “The largest tablecloth of the world as large as three kilometers will be spread in the Razavi Holy Shrine in the Iftar ceremony under the Razavi Ikram (generosity) plan.”

Sayyed Khalil Munabbati illustrated the programs of Astan Quds Razavi during Ramadan month and said, “With respect to the fact that Astan Quds Razavi is a public institution, promoted by people and for them, Assistance of Sacred Premises regards reverence to pilgrims and providing a quiet and tranquil pilgrimage space deserving the guests of Imam Reza (A.S.) as its main priorities.”
Referring to the Razavi Ikram tablecloths during Ramadan, he said, “12000 faster pilgrims will sit at the tablecloths daily and by the end of the blessed Ramadan month, some 360000 faster people will be received by the blissful repast of Imam Reza (A.S.).
Describing the Razavi Ikram plan as the largest tablecloth in the world, he continued, “Three thousand meters of tablecloth is spread daily in the Hidayat courtyard and for this, an area of 18000 sq.m. Of this courtyard will be carpeted by about 3000 carpets.”

Noting that this year, upon guests’ arrival, nectar bottles will be distributed among them, he asserted, “The pilgrims’ serving time in the Razavi Ikram plan lasts only 8 minutes that is an unprecedented record in its kind and hence the servants and the aids of the Razavi Holy Shrine deserve a deep appreciation.”
Munabbati pointed to distribution of invitation letters of Razavi Ikram plan at homes as the essential way of distribution and remarked, “Under Razavi Ikram plan, special groups of servants divide Mashhad city into several districts and each day distribute the invitation letters across different districts by lot; the invitation letters are handed based on the number of the family members. Those districts enjoying the invitation letters last year will be omitted from the distribution system.”
Assistant of Sacred Premises and Non-Iranian Pilgrims Affairs of Astan Quds Razavi reported the measures taken for pilgrims’ welfare and said, “Those pilgrims who intend to have their meal outside the Holy Shrine can refer to Navvab Safavi sanctuary since 18:30 in order to receive their package by offering their invitation letters.”
He also advised those guests of the Razavi Ikram plan who prefer to have their meal outside the Holy Shrine to use the meal at last within 2 hours since otherwise the quality of the blessed meal definitely would diminish.
Referring to direct service rendering of 500 servants in this plan, Munabbati pointed out, “During Ramadan 2400 kg. Mutton, 2400 kg. Rice, 30 tons of vegetables, 750000 blessed packages, 360000 bottles of nectar and mineral water, and 3500 flower vases for decorating the tablecloths are used daily.”

Welfare clients, fixed guests of Razavi Ikram tablecloth

Pointing to the special position of the needy at Razavi Ikram tablecloths, Assistant of Sacred Premises and Pilgrims Affairs of Astan Quds Razavi reiterated, “Special groups including the deaf, the handicapped, and clients of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) Relief Committee are the fixed and permanent guests of the Razavi Ikram plans; every night 500 clients of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) Relief Committee will attend in the plan and during three Nights of Power, 10000 clients of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) Relief Committee will be specially the guests of the Razavi Ikram plan.

Special measures in Qadr nights
At the end of his speech, Munabbati pointed to the special measures of Assistance of Razavi Sacred Premises in the Qadr nights and said, “In these nights, about 1,500,000 bottles of cold mineral water will be distributed among the pilgrims and about 300,000 sq.m of the sacred premises will be carpeted.”
“Also during this month, the blessed light meal packages containing honey milk, cake, and date will be handed out among the lines of evening and night congregational prayers across the porticos and the courtyards of the Holy Shrine”, added Assistant of Sacred Premises and Pilgrims Affairs of Astan Quds Razavi.

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