Human rights group urges UK PM to search roots for ISIS' rise at home

A human rights body in Britain urged the UK Prime Minister David Cameron to search for the roots of the ISIS rise at home.

The Islamic Human Rights Commission said in a statement here that “the PM would be better served by looking at Britain's own and wider western policy in the region which gave birth to ISIS.”

The statement comes as an answer to the Prime Minister who recently accused some Islamic groups of supporting the terrorist ISIS.

It stressed that “the Prime Minister David Cameron should look closer to home when trying to identify causes for the rise of ISIS and its attraction to some British Muslims.”

Speaking at a security conference in Slovakia, the PM warned of the dangers posed by those who 'quietly condone' Islamic State militants' extremist ideology and stressed the importance of tackling radicalization at its source.

“IHRC deplores the suggestion that British Muslims harbour a latent sympathy for ISIS on the basis that they are fellow Muslims. This only deflects the blame for the rise of groups like ISIS away from western foreign policy with the aim of pressurizing Muslims into conforming with government policy, both towards ISIS and for draconian anti-terrorism measures at home,” the statement said.

“The PM would be better served by looking at Britain's own and wider western policy in the region which gave birth to ISIS,” it said, stressing that “ISIS was not created by a few thousand misguided western youths looking to establish a utopia but by the cumulative impact of years of neo-colonial meddling.”

IHRC's Massoud Shadjareh said, 'The PM should start thinking about those who are quietly supporting and financing ISIS instead of employing a rhetoric of collective blame. The recent collapse of the prosecution of Bherlin Gildo shows just how deeply British intelligence services have been involved in helping Muslims go to fight in Syria.'

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