Who will understand Quranic teachings?

if we entrust our hearts to spirituality and to the Holy Quran, we can understand the miracle of Quranic teachings and the miracle of the Holy Quran better than those who lived a thousand years ago.

Those who contemplate on it, who open the gates of their heart and who let these truths in.

In every era and in every age, if a person -who is involved in the affairs of life and for whom such affairs are important- establishes such a close relationship with the Holy Quran, they will understand its miracle. Some individuals understand more and some less. And this understanding is more at certain times and less at other times.

In my opinion, if we entrust our hearts to spirituality and to the Holy Quran, we can understand the miracle of Quranic teachings and the miracle of the Holy Quran better than those who lived a thousand years ago: “Verily in this is a message for any that has a heart and understanding or who gives ear and earnestly witnesses the truth” [The Holy Quran, 50: 37]. In this complicated and stormy world, in this world that is full of complications – because of the existence of powers and scientific progress – when the Holy Quran enters the arena and when it speaks to us, then “Surely this Quran guides to that which is most upright” [The Holy Quran, 17: 9]. We feel that it really “Guides to that which is most upright and gives good news to the believers.”

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