Syrian Army Seizes Strategic Village in Hama Province

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army won control over a strategic village in the Eastern part of Hama province on Saturday.

The army backed by the National Defense Forces took control of Al-Ramliya village in al-Sathiyat region in Eastern Hama in heavy clashes with the militants of the Islamic Front.

Dozens of Takfiri terrorists were killed in clashes with the Syrian army and NDF as many more fled the scene of the battle.  

Yesterday, the Syrian army said its offensives in the Southwestern and Southeastern parts of Hama province have forced the militant groups to retreat from their positions after leaving behind many dead and wounded members.

"The Syrian Army and the country's National Defense Forces  continued to advance against the terrorists groups in different parts of Hama province and drove them back from their positions in Ghreemish, Zor al-Sous,al-Ziyadiyeh and al-Sheikh Abdullah," the army added.

"The militant groups suffered a heavy death toll and their military equipment also sustained major damage in the army attacks," the army added.

Earlier reports said that the Syrian Army inflicted large casualties on terrorists in Hama battlefields, and killed a senior commander of Thewar al-Sham terrorist group.

"Ibrahim Mohammad Adnan, the field commander of Thewar al-Sham battalions, was killed in the army attacks," the sources said.

"In the meantime, Abdulqader Ahmad Abduljalil was also killed in the army's offensives in Hama province," the sources added.

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