The Epic of Imam Husain (Part 48)

Today, in the forty-eighth episode of our daily series, we look at the events which occurred in Damascus at the court of the self-styled caliph, Yazid ibn Mu’awiyya, when, following the heartrending tragedy of Karbala and the martyrdom of Imam Husain (AS) on the Day of Ashura, Moharram 10, 61 AH, the captive children and ladies of the household of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), arrived in Syria.

Finally, the noble prisoners arrived at the court of Yazid. After a wait of one full hour under the scorching sun, the orders came from Yazid to bring in the captives. As they entered they saw the tyrant seated on an elevated golden throne, while on gilded chairs around him sat his courtiers as well as the envoys of other countries, including the ambassador of Byzantine or the Eastern Roman Empire. The Godless Yazid was already quite drunk.

What a terrible spectacle was witnessed by the blessed progeny of the Prophet of Islam, whose pristine purity Almighty God Himself has vouchsafed in the holy Qur’an! They saw that the accursed oppressor had the severed head of the martyred grandson of the Prophet placed in a tray lying at his feet and he was blasphemously rattling a cane against the blessed teeth and lips of Imam Husain (AS).

Yazid brazenly bragged without any respect for the Prophet of Islam, by saying:  Aren't these the same lips that Mohammad used to kiss? How delighted will be my ancestors if they would see how I avenged their defeats and deaths in the battles of Badr and Ohad! He was referring to the pagan maternal uncles and grandfather of his father, Mu’awiyyah, who had been killed when they imposed battles upon the Muslims.

In his drunken state, Yazid was, however, not sure whether it was the family members of the Prophet were standing before him. In a quivering rage he accused Omar Ibn Sa'd, the commander of his forces in Karbala, of substituting slaves instead for the children and women of the Prophet’s household.

Omar Ibn Sa'd knew that Yazid was more dangerous than normal when he was drunk so he quickly reassured him and began to point out the ladies. He said: Your slave has done exactly what you asked. Those are the sisters of Husain (AS), Zainab (SA) and Omm Kulthum (SA). The young girls are Sakina (SA) and Ruqai’yyyah (SA), the daughters of Husain (AS). That lady is Rabab (SA), the widow of Husain (AS), while the others are orphans and widows of Husain's (AS) friends and relatives. The young, sickly looking man before you is Ali Zain al-Abedin (AS), the son of Husain (AS).

Yazid turned his attention towards the noble captives. He noticed that an old lady was standing in front of one of the lady prisoners, as if shielding her from the gaze of Yazid. He shouted: Who is that one sheltering behind the old woman, and why? Omar Ibn Sa'd replied: She is Zainab (SA), daughter of Ali (AS) and Fatema (SA) and the old woman standing in front of her is Fizza (SA), an aristocratic Abyssinian lady, who calls herself the slave of Fatema (SA) and Zainab (SA).

Yazid ordered that Fizza (SA) be shoved aside. When the Omayyad soldiers approached her, Fizza turned to the Abyssinian guards who stood armed behind Yazid, and said: O my compatriots! Will you watch silently while an aged lady from your land is manhandled in this manner?

Hearing the words of Fizza (SA), some of the Abyssinians stepped forward and warned Yazid, saying: Ask your soldiers to step back from our lady Fizza (SA), or else blood will flow like water in your court.

Yazid was stunned at this threat and immediately stopped his soldiers and assured his blacks-skinned bodyguards that he would not harm Fizza (SA). However, he was furious at the fact that he had been humiliated in this manner in front of everyone.

It was a sorrowful sight, as the members of the blessed Ahl al-Bayt, chained together, stood in front of a tyrant who was infamous for his corruption, cruelty, treachery, and injustice. It was, however, an excellent opportunity for publicly announcing the message of his martyred father, by Imam Zain al-Abedin (AS). The young Imam looked at the tyrant and said:  “What do you think if my Great grandfather, the Messenger of God, were to see us in such a state?”

Before Yazid uttered any word, Fatema (SA), the elder daughter Of Imam Husain (AS) said: “O Yazid!! Should the daughters of the Prophet be put in chains in such a manner?”

No sooner had Fatema (SA) finished her words that a number of those present started to cry and weep! Yazid took no notice of those who were weeping and used the cane in his hand to strike the blessed lips and teeth of the severed head of Imam Husain (AS), and said: “We split the heads of those who were loved, because they were oppressive and annoying”.

At Yazid’s impudent reply, Hazrat Zainab (SA) wailed saying: “O Husain (AS). O beloved of the Messenger of God!! O son of Ali (AS) and Fatema (SA).

At this, everyone started to cry and the atmosphere of the court was changed.


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