Please read it to the end

In the name of Allah
Please read it to the end

Morteza Agha mohammadi

It was last summer that one of my friends came to Mashhad and they were our guest for couple of days.  On the last day were out together and we talked a lot and then they said goodbye and left Mashhad for Tehran. After an hour I called him and I told him where you are? He said we are out of traffic now and we are half an hour distance far from Mashhad. I told him please turn back!
 He said what for?
I told: don’t ask me just do it!
- Tell me now!
+ I cannot tell you on the phone just turn back!
- we are out of the city and it’s difficult and very  hot and my car doesn’t have air conditioner so it’s difficult for my family moreover I have to be at my work tomorrow so why you don’t tell me now?
+ do what I asked you it’s important!
So finally they had to turn back. When he saw me, he asked:  what is the matter?
I told him: I just wanted to tell you that you are a very good friend of mine!
He asked: only this!? You made me come back this long just to tell me this?!
I said: yes I wanted to mention this officially and in a specific way.
He was so angry, not to mention that his family wanted to kill me.
After that when I told this event to anyone I was told that you did a crazy thing and you bothered your friend and his family , and when I told them that I wanted to show to him and his family that they are beloved by me , no one supported my action.
Then I wondered why  these people cannot understand what I mean so I asked those friends that were from Ahlusunnat , and surprisingly they also told me that i made a big mistake.
Then I wondered if according to these Sunni brothers  it wasn’t acceptable from me so how do they  justify  their view that the prophet S.A  made those 120 000 tired people that were leaving Macca to stand in the hot dessert just to tell them Ali bin Abitaleb is his friend?!

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