I have been fortunate in the sense that I had a Muslim father and a Christian Mother.

I have been fortunate in the sense that I had a Muslim father and a Christian Mother. Neither of them forced or encouraged me to follow either belief. I was allowed to seek the truth for myself.
After years of 'feeling' out both, I decided that Islam offered the most logical explanations towards behavior, belief in God and the day of Judgement.
As you are aware, Christianity has deified the Prophet Jesus. He is part of what is called the ''Holy Trinity'.
As I understand this, this brings forth the question, "Who rules Heaven?".
It brings along another problem. Namely, the 1st commandment handed down to the Prophet Moses emphatically states that man shall only adore God. Christians, whom I know, state that the above rules do not apply in this case. As you and I are well aware, God has not sent down an 'amendment' to the 1st commandment. Would you be able to give me some idea how I should counter their arguments?

Of course, the Christians do not consider this a contradiction of their faith. However, logically it cannot be that Jesus (AS) can be God and God can be God without their being two Gods or some type of "divided" God head. Neither of which cannot be associated with Allah Ta'ala. The commandment clearly states that "thou shall place no other God before Me." Christians would probably state that this refers to false Gods, not Jesus (a.s). It is not a logical argument, so therefore do not expect that they will follow logical lines of argumentation.
Rather, they rely on blind faith. Clearly, if Jesus is God what can they say about his crucifixion. Is that they really believe that God died and was resurrected? During the time when God was dead (from Wednesday through Sunday), was there another God ruling? Or was there no God during that time?


Ref: http://dartabligh.org

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