The features of Shia' ethics

The features of Shia' ethics:
Morteza Agha Mohammadi

The Shia’ or twelve Imami school is one of the two major denominations in Islam and has its own theology, jurisprudence and ethics and so on. There are many commonalities in these arenas with the other denomination, called Sunni Islam and of course some differences exist. Among these differences is the way that Shia’ appeals to ration and intellect in jurisprudence and ethics. The Islamic ethics is based on the sources of the Quran and the Ahadith of the prophet.

Shi’a also benefits from the Ahadith of the Household of the prophet as well as the prophetic Ahdith. This differentiates Shi’a ethics from Sunni tradition, although it is not the only difference between them. Sunni ethics is more likely to be strict with the text available while the intellectual and rational aspect of Shia’ ethics along with the text-based side of it is very important. According to what is already mentioned the major difference between Shia’ ethics and that of other religions and schools is that it is based on the Islamic texts.

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