Islamic Unity in the Holy Qur’an and Prophet’s Sunnah (2)

On the occasion of Islamic Unity Week that started on 12th Rabi al-Awwal, we present you another interesting featured titled Islamic Unity in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah or Behaviour and Practice of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA).

The Islamic Unity Week is the brainchild of the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA). Following the triumph of the grassroots movement of the Iranian Muslims – of all denominations – the farsighted leader embarked on the novel ideal of bridging the gap between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims, who respectively consider the 12thand 17th of Rabi al-Awwal as the Prophet’s birth anniversary. Ever since the Islamic Unity Week has become an international fixture, inviting Muslims of all denominations to close ranks, and fostering solidarity among the Ummah, especially in the present era of sedition and Takfiri terrorism being promoted by certain reactionary regimes of the Muslim world, affiliated with the US and the Zionist entity. Although Muslims following different schools of jurisprudence have differences of opinionson some secondary religious matters, they enjoy several commonalities such as belief in the One and Only God, belief in Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) as God’s Last Messenger, adherence to the holy Qur’an as the final heavenly scripture,bowing towards the holy Ka’ba in Mecca as the same qibla or focal point of prayers, performing Hajj in the same month of Zi’l-Hijja and fasting in the month of Ramadhan. Now let us cast a glance at Islamic unity within the framework of the holy Qur’an and practice and behaviour of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA).

The holy Quran, in several ayahs has emphasized on unity as a blessing for Muslims. Ayah 103 of Surah Aal-e Imran says:

“Hold fast, all together, to Allah’s cord, and do not be divided [into sects]. And remember Allah’s blessing upon you when you were enemies, then He brought your hearts together, so you became brothers with His blessing. And you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, whereat He saved you from it. Thus does Allah clarify His signs for you so that you may be guided.”

In this ayah God speaks of holding fast to God’s cord and the most evident proof for this cord is the holy Qur’an. The great exegete of the holy Qur’an, AllamahSeyyed Mohammad HussainTabatabaei writes that God’s cord is the Qur’an, and holding firm to it saves Muslims from discord. It means Muslims should adhere to the letter and spirit of the holy Qur’an, and not just paying lip service to it. The concept of holding fast to the holy Qur’an has been likened to the one who fears to cross a dangerous path but by holding to a firm rope he crosses it confidently. In view of this God warns that discord isa pit of fire. The most important fruits of unity for every community is safeguarding of peace, tranquility and security and keeping away from war and bloodshed. In ayah 105 of Surah Ale Imran, in another warning to Muslims, God says:

“Do not be like those who became divided [into sects] and differed after manifest signs had come to them. For such there will be a great punishment.”

The holy Qur’an considers all Muslims brothers of each other and in ayah 10 of Surah Hujurat says:

“The faithful are indeed brothers. Therefore make peace between your brothers and be wary of Allah, so that you may receive [His] mercy.”

This ayah joins Muslims together as brothers in faith and considers making peace which each other as a way for receiving God’s mercy. The holy Qur’an invites even followers of the previously revealed scriptures to unity, calling them “People of the Book. In this regard, in ayah 64 of Surah Ale Imran we read:

“Say, ‘O People of the Book! Come to a word common between us and you: that we will worship no one but Allah, and that we will not ascribe any partner to Him, and that we will not take each other as lords besides Allah.’ But if they turn away, say, ‘Be witnesses that we are Muslims.”

This ayah introduces monotheism as the source of unity and solidarity among various religions and calls on them to unify with each other and set up a safe community far from oppression and transgression. Undoubtedly Muslims as the initial nucleus of this convergence can play an important role.

When members of the society members give up differences and their hearts become close to each other, the enemy cannot harm them. In part of ayah 46 of Surah Anfal, God says:

“And obey Allah and His Prophet, and do not dispute, or you will lose heart and your power will be gone. And be patient; indeed Allah is with the patient.”

God introduces the Prophet as the axis of practical unity for Muslims. This axis includes all deeds and words of the Prophet, who as the history of Islam testifies, prevented discord and created unity among Muslims in order to strengthen the political and social bases of the Ummah. The Prophet after migrating to Medina from Mecca, entered into treaties and social contracts, which are among the most evident ways of fostering unity. The first accord was concluded between the holy Prophet and the tribes of Medina. These treaties called for negation of ethnic and tribal tendencies.

By creating brotherhood among Muslims, the holy Prophet turned the enmity of the days of paganism into blessings and mercy. The holy Quran says in ayah 63 of Surah Anfal:

“And (God) united their hearts. Had you spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but Allah united them together. Indeed He is all-mighty, all-wise.”

The Prophet of Islam strove against social prejudices.According to the Prophet of Islam, trampling the rights of others disrupts peace and security, resulting in hatred and discord.Even in the statements of his last days, the Prophet warned the Ummahagainst discord, saying: O people, your blood and properties are forbidden for each other;beware that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim and Muslims are brethren to each other. Perhaps his best formula for Islamic Unity is the Hadith Thaqalayn in which the Prophet emphasized:

“O people, I am leaving (behind amongst you) two weighty things, the Book of Allah and my Ahlal-Bayt; hold fast to them and you will never go astray, for the two never part from one another even when they return to me (at the fountain ofkowthar on Judgement Day).

Thus, in view of these undeniable facts, it is incumbent upon Muslims to follow the holy Qur’an and the progeny of the Prophet of Islam.


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