SHI'A Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai


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Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai
Translated By:
Sayyid Husayn Nasr
Ansarian Publications
Qum - Shohada Str. Avn. No. 22
P.O.BOX: 37185\187
I.R.O.Iran - Tel: 0098-251-7741744
PREFACE (Seyyed Hossein Nasr)
The Study of Shi'ism
Fundamental Elements of Shi'ism
Present State of Shi'ite Studies
The Present Book
The Author
INTRODUCTION 'Allamah Tabataba'i
I. The Origin and Growth of Shi'ism
The Cause of the Separation of the Shi'ite Minority from the Sunni Majority
The Two Problems of Succession and Authority in Religious Sciences
The Political Method of the Selection of the Caliph by Vote and Its Disagreement with the Shi'ite
The Termination of the Caliphate of' Ali Amir al mu'minin and His Method of Rule
The Benefit That the Shi'ah Derived from the Caliphate of' Ali
The Transfer of the Caliphate to Muawiyah and Its Transformation into a Hereditary Monarchy
The Bleakest Days of Shi'ism
The Establishment of Umayyad Rule
Shi'ism During the 2nd/8th Century
Shi'ism in the 3rd/9th Century
Shi'ism in the 4th/10th Century
Shi'ism from the 5th/11th to the 9th/15th Centuries
Shi'ism in the lOth/l6th and 11th/17th Centuries
Shi'ism from the 12th/18th to the l4th/2Oth Centuries
II. Divisions within Shi'ism
Zaydism and Its Branches
Isma'ilism and Its Brunches
The Batinis
The Nizaris, Musta'lis, Druzes and Muqanna'ah
The Nizaris
The Musta'lis
The Druzes
The Muqanna'ah
Differences Between Twelve-Imam Shi'ism and Isma'ilism and Zaydisin
Summary of the History of Twelve-Imam Shi'ism
III. Three Methods of Religious Thought
First Method: The Formal Aspect of Religion
Different Facets of the Formal Aspect
Traditions of the Companions
The Book and Tradition
The Outward and Inward Aspcts of the Quran
The Principles of Interpretatioo of the Quran
The Method of Shi'ism in Authenticating the Hadith
The Method of Shi'ism in Following the Hadith
Learning and Teaching in Islam
Shi'ism and the Transmitted Sciences
Second Method: The Way of Intellection and Intel lectual Reasoning
Philosophical and Theological Thought in Shi 'ism
Shi'ite InitiaUve in Islamic Philosophy and Kalam
Shi'ite Contributions in Philosophy and Intellectual Sciences
Outstanding Intellectual Figures of Shi'ism
Third Method: Intellectual Intuition or Mystical Unveiling
Man and Gnostic Comprehension
Appearance of Gnosis (Sufism) in Islam
Guidance Provided by the Quran and Sunnah for Gnostic Knowledge
IV. On the Knowledge of God
Another Point of View Concerning the Relation Between Man and the Universe
The Divine Essence and Qualities
The Meaning of the Divine Qualities
Further Explanations Concerning the Qualities
Qualities of Action
Destiny and Providence
Man and Free Will
V. On the Knowledge of the Prophet
Toward the Goal: General Guidance
Special Guidance
Reason and Law
That Mysterious Wisdom and Consciousness Called Revelation
The Prophets Inerrancy of Prophecy
The Prophets and Revealed Religion
The Prophets and Proof of Revelation and Prophccy
The Number of the Prophets of God
The Prophets Who are Bringers of Divine Law
The Prophecy of Muhammad
The Prophet and the Quran
VI. Esahatology
Man is Composed of Spirit and Body
A Discussion of Spirit from Another Perspective
Death from the Islamic Point of View
The Day of Judgment-Resurrection
Another Explanation
The Continuity and Succession of Creation
VII. On the Knowledge of the Imim (Imamology)
The Meaning of Irnam
The Imamate and Succession
Affirmation of the Previous Section
The Imamate and Its Role in the Exposition of the Divine Sciences
The Difference Between, Prophet and Imam
The Imamate and lts Role in the Esoteric Dimen sionofReligion
The Imams and Leaders of Islam
A Brief History of the Lives of the Twelve Imams
The First Imam-Ali-ibn Abi Talib
The Second Imam-Hasan ibn 'Ali
The Third Imam-Husayn ibn Ali
The Fourth Imam-Ali ibn Husayn
The Fifth Imam-Muhammad ibn 'Ali
The Sixth Imamjafar ibn Muhammad
The Seventh Imam-Musa ibn Jafar
The Eighth Imim-Ali ibn Musa
The Ninth Imam-Muhammad ibn Ali
The Tenth Imam-Ali ibn Muhammad
The Eleventh Imam-Hasan ibn Ali
The Twelfth Imam-Mahdl
On the Appearance of the Mahdl
The Spiritual Message of Shi!ism
I. Taqiyah or Dissimulation
II. Mut'ah or Temporary Marriage
Ill. Ritual Practices in Shi'ism
IV. A Note on the Jinn
The Publishers
In The Name of Allah Most Merciful and Compassionate

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