The Theology of the Islamic Revolution

The Theology of the Islamic Revolution:

Morteza Agha mohammadi

There is no doubt that the revolution of the people o Iran led by the late Ayato-allah Imam Khomeini (R.A) was based on the teachings of Islam. This paper seeks to find the theological factors that are connected to this revolution, and to do so, we discuss these elements in two major categories:
First: the theology which is visible in the content and the method of the revolution that we call it the constructing theology.
Second: the theology as goal for the revolution i.e. those theological factors that the revolution and 

Constructing theology of the Islamic revolution:
1- the raising of Imam Hussein (A.S) was inspiring for Imam Khomeini both in content and method.
To establish real order of Islam, fundamental changes in people's lives, to put an end to oppressions and to revive the forgotten aspects and rulings of sharia and to practice them both in individual and social aspects of the society. here politics , economy and all other organizations must be  based on the Quran and the traditions and sunnah of the prophet and infallible Imams(A.S)and contrary to other Muslim thinkers of the time ,Islam is not a mere ideology just to unify people against the common enemy.
  One important similarity between these two revolutions is the obedience of people to the leader (walliy), addressing his companions imam Hussein said:
I don’t know companions better than you   
This important aspect also is shining in the people of Imam Khomeini; in fact we can discuss it in three parts:

The role of the Imam Khomeini:
Those people that play the role of the prophets and great leaders cannot succeed in their movements without acting and living as the prophets and  even if they make people follow them a day or two, they cannot establish anything but disorder and crisis in the world.

Imam Khomeini and a new concept of revolution:
While all outstanding figures in western school of thought, believed the revolution to be rooted in things like: economic progress, class differences, governments incapability and etc. it was at this juncture that Imam Khomeini went against these prevalent dialogs in politics and he delivered a new concept of revolution. Imam differs from the common idea of revolution in both purpose and method. It's not only  changing a regime but the goal is to change the way to look at the world and man and this is a real revolution and change , the same thing that the prophets wanted to do. According to the prevalent picture of revolution, there is no role for religion in those revolutions but Imam's theory of revolution is based on the religion. One of the great achievements of the revolution in Iran was the fact that we proved, religion is not a legend and it can be practiced as a road map for nations.
Another fruit of the revolution is that Imam negated the theory of separation between politics and religion, and it is wrong to think that those who are religious must stay in mosque and let the politics to be with politicians and a man of god can make a good politician at same time that he is a pious person.
Imam also was successful to show that there is no contradiction between religion and science.
He also succeeded in revival of rationalism in Iran. It was more than two centuries that enlightenment was to be translated as blind imitation of west, in such atmosphere Imam showed that we can be on our own and to have our culture and at the same time achieve real kind of progress.

Dissimulation is Haram:
At the time that majority of Olama' believed that we must practice dissimulation , Imam Cleary declared that today it is not permitted to practice this rule and must tell the truth no matter what will be the consequence. In fact he has learnt this from the school of Imam Hussein, when he was told to pay allegiance to Yazid Imam said I can't do this at all while the continuation of Islam is in danger .Imam Khomeini had this in mind and when he was asked to keep quiet and to practice dissimulation he answered today it is obligatory upon me to tell the truth, no matter what happen to me.

A. The idealistic theology of the Islamic revolution o Iran:

1-To up bring man:
Imam Khomeini explicitly declares that nothing can be harmful as non educated man and nothing can be helpful as the educated one, the bases of the world is upon upbringing man. This can be discussed in both individual and also social aspect. To train individuals in the way that Allah (S.T) wants them to be. This is something that has been neglected in the other movements while for Imam it is the corner stone.
In the social aspect it deals with making a society that pleases Allah (S.T) and the virtues and purity can be seen in all places.

2-To establish an Islamic Republic:
After the rule o f Imam Ali (A.S) there have not been any Islamic government who practices Islam, not only is governed by a Muslim. From this aspect the Islamic revolution paved the way to reach to very goal.

3- To support all oppressed ones all around the world:
 According to the decrees of Shari'a the Islamic revolution feels responsible to back up oppressed people wherever they are.

4-to please people in the framework of Shari'a:
From Imam Khomeini's point of view a government which is disturbing people can't be a good example of an Islamic government since the reason behind establishing a government is to serve people not to rule over them.

5- To practice Islam and its values without giving advantage to other values over them:
Imam himself says: if I made any mistake it is upon people to inform me and they have to protest against my wrong ideas and must write against my wrong decisions.

6-to export the Islamic revolution
Imam Khomeini strongly believed that this revolution is not confined to Iran and since it is based on the teachings of Islam so like Islam itself it cannot be confined to one geographical place and is universal as the Quran itself.
In the last days of his life Imam told to the authorities in Iran:
What we have started is not limited to Iran and it is only a beginning for the universal revolution of Imam Mahdi and we have to work in a way to deliver this flag to him. Needless to say that exporting this revolution is not to be done through military actions and weapons but we want to make people familiar whit this spirituality that has taken place with our people.

7-looking for justice:
Imam Khomeini's movement is for to seek justice like the revolution of Imam Hussein. In a Zia rah of Imam Hussein we address him saying: I bear witness that you called for justice.
In a similar speech Imam Khomeini says;
Our blood is not redder than the one of Imam Hussein, why we should be afraid?
The End

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