1. The Special Rank of Prayers
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللٌّهِ (ص): أَوَّلُ مَا افْتَرَضَ اللٌّهُ عَلى أُمَّتِي الصَّلَوَاتُ الْخَمْسُ وَ أَوَّلُ مَا يُرفَعُ مِنْ أَعْمَالِهِمْ الصَّلَوَاتُ الْخَمْسُ وَ أَوَّلُ مَا يُسْأَلُونَ عَـنْهُ الصَّلَوَاتُ الْخَمْسُ.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “The first thing that Allah made obligatory upon my Ummah was the five prayers; and the first thing from their acts of worship that shall be taken up will be the five prayers; and the first thing that they will be questioned about will be the five prayers.”
Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18859
2. The Pillar of Religion
عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ (ع) قَالَ: بُنِيَ الإِِسْلاَمُ عَلَى خَمْسٍ عَلى الصَّلاةِ وَ الزَّكَاةِ وَ الصَّوْمِ وَ الْحَجِّ وَ الْوِلاَيَةِ.
Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has said: “Islam has been founded and established on five things: Prayers, Zakat, Hajj, Sawm (Fasting) and Wilayah.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 234
3. The Parable of Prayers
عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ (ع) قَالَ: أَلصَّلاَةُ عَمُودُ الدِّينِ مَثَلُهَا كَمَثَلِ عَمُودِ الْفُسْطَاطِ إِذَا ثَبَتَ الْعَمُودُ ثَبَتَ الأَوْتَادُ وَ الأَطْنَابُ وَ إِذَا مَالَ الْعَمُودُ وَ انْكَسَرَ لَمْ يَثْبُتْ وَتِدٌ وَ لاَ طُنُبٌ.
Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has said: “The prayer is the pillar of religion and its parable is that of the prop of a tent – when the prop remains upright, the pegs and ropes remain straight and upright, but when the prop bends or breaks neither the pegs nor ropes remain straight.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 218
4. A Means of Salvation
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللٌّهِ (ص): خَمْسُ صَلَوَاتٍ مَنْ حَافَظَ عَلَيْهِنَّ كَانَتْ لَهُ نُوراً وَ بُرْهَاناً وَ نَجَاةً يَومَ الْقِيَامَةِ.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “One who adheres to the five (daily) prayers diligently, they shall be a means of illumination and salvation for him on the Day of Judgment.”
Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18862
5. Illumination of the Heart
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللٌّهِ (ص): صَلاَةُ الرَّجُلِ نُورٌ فِي قَلْبِهِ فَمَنْ شَاءَ مِنْكُمْ فَلْـيُنَوِّرْ قَلْـبَهُ.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: “The prayer of a person is (in reality) a light in his heart, so whoever desires, can illuminate his heart (by means of prayers).”
Kanzul `Ummal, Volume7, Tradition 18973
6. A Measure of Acceptance of Deeds
قَالَ الصَّادِقُ (ع): أَوَّلُ مَا يُحَاسَبُ بِهِ الْعَبْدُ الصَّلاةُ فَإِنْ قُبِلَتْ قُبِلَ سَائِرُ عَمَلِهِ وَ إِذَا رُدَّتْ رُدَّ عَلَيْهِ سَائِرُ عَمَلِهِ.
Imam As-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “The first thing for which a person shall be subjected to reckoning is prayers. If they are accepted, all his other deeds shall (also) be accepted. But if rejected, all his other deeds shall (also) be rejected.”
Wasa’ilush Shi`a, Volume 3, Page 22
7. The Conduct of the Prophets
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللٌّهِ (ص): أَلصَّلاَةُ مِنْ شَرَائِعِ الدِّينِ وَ فِيهَا مَرْضَاةُ الرَّبِّ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ وَ هِيَ مِنْهَاجُ الأَنْـبِيَاءِ.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “The prayer is one of the (primary) dictates of religion, in it lies the pleasure of the Lord, the Mighty and the Glorious, and it is the conduct of the Prophets.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 231
8. The Standard of Islam
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللٌّهِ (ص): عَلَمُ الإِسْلاَمِ الصَّلاةُ فَمَنْ فَرَّغَ لَـهَا قَلْبَهُ وَ حَافَظَ عَلَيْهَا بِحَدِّهَا وَ وَقْـتِهَا وَ سُـنَـنِهَا فَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “The prayer is the standard of Islam. Whosoever loves prayers, and observes their limits, timings and methods, is a true believer.”
Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18870
9. The Benefits of Prayers
قَالَ الصَّادِقُ(ع): إِنَّ مَلَكَ الْمَوْتِ يَدْفَعُ الشَّيْطَانَ عَنِ الْمُحَافِظِ عَلى الصَّلاةِ وَ يُلَقِّـنُهُ شَهَادَةَ أَنْ لاَ إِلٌهَ إِلاَّ اللٌّهُ وَ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُولُ اللٌّهِ فِي تِلْكَ الْحَالَةِ الْعَظِيمَةِ.
Imam As-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “Surely the Angel of Death repels Satan from the proximity of one who had adhered to and guarded his prayers, and makes him speak out the testimony of ‘There is no God except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah’ during that terrifying and frightening state (of death).”
Wasa’ilush Shi`a, Volume 3, Page 19
10. Prayers and Children
عَنِ الْبَاقِرِ (ع) قَالَ: إِنَّا نَأْمُرُ صِبْيَانَنَا بِالصَّلاَةِ إِذَا كَانُوا بَنِي خَمْسِ سِنِينَ فَمُرُوا صِبْيَانَكُمْ بِالصَّلاَةِ إِذَا كَانُوا بَنِي سَبْعِ سِنِينَ.
Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) advised: “We command our children to offer prayers when they are five years old, so you too order your children to offer prayers (but only) when they are seven years of age.”
Wasa’ilush Shi`a, Volume 3, Page 12