Some Hadithes on the Faith of AbuTalib

Some Hadithes on the Faith of AbuTalib:

Morteza Agha mohammadi

Abutalib is the one who sacrificed his everything for islam and died for it and it's not rational to accept a man who doesn't believe in the message of the prophet to do so. Some may say it was because of family relations , then we say Abulahab was the prophets uncle as well but he was enemy of Islam. it is strange that Wahhabis are likely to insist on the kufr of Abutalib just to spoil the name of his son.Infact there are many arguments to prove the iman of Abutalib but we only refer to some sayings of imam Ali.

\الاصبغ بن نباته قال: سمعت أمير المؤمنين صلوات الله عليه يقول: والله ما عبد أبي ولاجدي عبدالمطلب ولاهاشم ولا عبد مناف صنما قط، قيل له: فما کانوا يعبدون؟ قال: کانوا يصلون إلي البيت علي دين إبراهيم عليه السلام متمسکين به.(1)

Asbaq bin nobatah says: Imam Ali a.s said:
I swear to Allah my father did not worship any idol at all, neither my grandfather Abdul motallib nor hashim nor Abdimanaf.
He was asked: then what do they worshiped?
Imam said: they did their prayers towards Ka'ba but according to the religion of Ebrahim A.S

امام علي(ع):
والذي بعث محمدا بالحق نبيا لو شفع ابي في کل مذنب علي وجه الارض لشفّعه الله(2)
I swear to  the one who he sent Muhammad as His apostle, if my father would intend to intercede for all those who are on the earth Allah swt  will accept his intercession.
3-If they put the faith of Abutalib on one scale pan and the faith of other people on the other side surely the Iman of abutalib will be more than the other side.
( الغدير، ج 7، ص 380؛ نهج البلاغه، ج 14، ص 68.)


1  - کما ل الدين ج1 ص174-175 باب 12 ح32
2  - الحجة، ص 24

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